Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tavel to Huangshan to Watch Beautiful Scenery - Sun Shoe Fairy

Pai Yunting right near the front, two stone like a pair of shoes, neatly placed in a small peak stage, like in the dry, hence the name. "Fairy drying boots" and "immortal sun shoes", together with a beautiful legend: In the past, several peaks of Huangshan Xiandu left view, there lived Taiqing Road Dogen and the disciples; pine peak palace lived on Daisy Taoist nun Lian Yu and disciple Miao Zhen. Two intervals with a gap palace Road - West Valley, coupled with strict road rules, they are never in contact with. One winter, the mountains, snow, fire off Xiandu worldview, Dogen had called too pure to go through the fire official Daisy. When Daisy came to the palace too pure, to see Miao Zhen, the two hit it off, talk about words and very affectionate. Since then, the two day gathering wood, fetching water, they talk together, gradually cut the wood on less, have less worry of water. In this way, things are both master soon discovered that they both severely reprimanded by the Master. Also provides for the future firewood, fetching water, to the junction of the two peaks as the boundary ditch stream, cross the road on the use of whip, Scepter imputed. Since then the two together is very difficult to speak. Once, while the master is down the mountain sides, they met secretly and agreed to in the future: too pure a boot in the mountains in front of the sun, it means the master down, and Miao Zhen would meet Taiqing; Miaozhen a pair of shoes in the house before the sun, is that the master went out, too pure to see Miao Zhen. Since then, They Take drying boots, shoes, sun to tryst. One day, they are sweet tryst, only to master both sides suddenly came back, things are brought to light, They will be severely punished. They can think, one mind under the last cross: "It can not be together, die together now!" They hand in hand, on the leap from the cliff, jumped into the towering waves of the sea of ​​clouds. Taiqing Miaozhen sun drying boots and a pair of shoes have not had time to close, as time goes by, turned into a rock boots, rock shoes, Huangshan is now a "fairy drying boots" and "fairy drying shoes."

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Friday, August 19, 2011

The Small Scenery Spot in Huangshan - Ssangyong Song

Ssangyong loose across the islands of Penglai. Pines into two dry, sticking out from the cliff gaps, hovering in the cliffs above Qu Qiu, shape Ssangyong play among pines in the clouds, hence the name. Clouds or rain, from afar, scales flashing, horn brand-bearded sheets, more quite similar. 1977 dead after being struck by lightning, are the remaining trunk. Overlooking the deep past that. Smoke, vigorous and powerful, the situation if the take-off attitude and spirit are there still, visitors can still appreciate and enjoy. The "Cai Sangzi Mourning Ssangyong loose" word in mind of: "group than the Fang-Qiao Song difficult, old pairs can no longer dual Ray won the youth is still fragrant bone. Haiyun vast boundless magic, it seems Lung, Lung seen. I left a residual footer heartbroken. "


Chessboard loose Jiuzhi nine were loose as the four-day entrenched in the flat alongside the stone bridge. This very odd ancient pine, pine dry short, only two feet high, but packing roof, crown shade more than ten feet wide. If its top Euparagonimus Tobe, Xia well be well, as black and white squares on the chess set, hence the name "chess impeach loose." According to legend, used to sit in several Fairchild Zhigan crosswise, on top of the tree level as the chess board, there was a yellow rose called the Woodman, who see the chess fans, forget the mountain, one of Fairchild that grant date, with the not hungry. Qing Hong Yun line of "chessboard Song" chant of the poem: "Wen said Canluan off, when to sit on the pine; Qiao Ke from bad to do, when the end of this Council?" Impeach loose poem depicting the chess board's immortality , for a chessboard covered with loose magic colors, interesting twist. Modern people have poem reads: "loose the first few games on the Fairchild, the former yellow rose every logging. Grant dates with the people hungry, and returned more than a century Weng life."

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Several Beautiful Spots of Huangshan II

Days gentry Pavilion site in Huangshan Luo Hanfeng under hills, away from the pain of Huangshan Sheng Zhuxi Square throughout the site about 2.5 km. Old Mountain Chi set, established Kiosk concept Jiulong Pu, see "Villa Springs roar, strong river water fly, not quiet forest, lake shall be." Cascade is the ideal place. Because the original pavilion has six angles, also known as "hexagonal." Now the site cover a Cascade thing. Strange and beautiful surrounding scenery. That the occasion of the Jiulong Pu high floating, almost flying plaza. It is a poem: "Shochiku boundless cover pavilion, may one day pay homage to the gentry? Flying volley Poetry Club, the beautiful scenery like Penglai."


Immediately Pavilion at the northern foot of the peak cinnabar jungle. Immediately because of the peak, considerable Feng Yao stone walls on the "immediately empty the East China Sea and take a look at peace" ten stone characters, hence the name "immediately Pavilion." Built in the early Republic, 4 meters high, covering about 10 square meters. Citing all the stone structure, shape-ling dragon carved, simple and generous, Creative. Yan Li Ting side, both overlooking the breathtaking on the Heavenly Capital Peak "carp back", but also back to the balcony magic shuiliandong. So, Citing a good scenic spots. Peak due immediately known Qingluan peak, therefore Pavilion, also known as "Qingluan Pavilion." A poem Yong said: "cliff cliff Dengdao high tingqian rode over Longbridge. Back to find that Zhu Feng River, a hexagonal exquisite Miracle.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Ciguangge around Beautiful Huangshan

Ciguangge, also known as Chi Kwong Temple area in Anhui Province Huangshan Hot Springs, Hot Springs is located in the northern end, away from the spa 1.5 km. Ancient cinnabar Temple, originally Fahai Temple, Jiajing period (1522-1566), Hyun Yang Taoist living this title the amount of "step Yunting." Thirty-four years of Ming Dynasty (1606) Universal Door Monk to this change and sea Temple. Shenzong Chifeng "protect the country Tsukuang Temple", the Queen Mother gave to Buddhist scriptures, Buddha, monks, pewter staff, alms bowl and other objects, very popular. Was the emblem, the state declared two of the first Buddhist temple.



On Painting founder fresh monk Jian Jiang (Hong Ren) and the painter Shi Tao had a history of living here. After the Temple destroyed. Remaining part of the building site, after the founding of the construction of hotels. On with its Sandy Ridge, Ridge has wonderful the pavilion. Sands Ridge is immediately after the kiosk, kiosk visible immediately flew peak Cliff characters: "immediately empty the East China Sea and take a look at peace," Cross.


In 1965, the amount of wu handwritten title "Ciguangge." Surrounded by hills, Maolin tall bamboo with cover, very quiet. Huangshan Hotel for the reception of a very important point. There are thousands of monks kitchen, Hogan spring, Piyun bridge the various attractions. Huangshan is now turned into museums. Huangshan Yuping cableway station was built in the vicinity.




Nestled in between Ciguangge Maolin tall bamboo in the elderly, cinnabar between the two peaks. Ciguangge, was built in the Ming Dynasty, who emblem, the state declared two of the first Buddhist temple, the founder of school of painting gradually Jiang Xin, Shi Tao, are on the temple lived. Now the "Tsukuang Temple" has been turned into museums of Huangshan. Ciguangge the daily also said the Huangshan mountain climbing before the entrance, Yuping cableway built here, take the ropeway up to Huangshan Scenic Area must win at Yuping.






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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cloud Valley Scenic Area in Huangshan

Huangshan scenic valley in the eastern part of the cloud, only 890 meters above sea level, is a low-lying, slightly open valley. Song prime minister Cheng Yuanfeng have read here, the prime minister named source. Yan Fu Ming scholars roaming this point, the request should be thrown bowl Chan Seng, handwritten "Cloud Valley" word, since renamed the Temple "Yungu Si" and, eventually, Yungu Si has become today's names. Cloud Valley Cloud Valley Villa major attractions, trees, rocks, "Jiulong Pu" and "Baizhang spring."

Cloud Valley Villa is located in the bamboo thicket of pine trees, surrounded by mountains with hold, with stream flow, quiet environment. Is a modern hotel, is a fairly typical group of Huizhou architecture of ancient houses, buildings scattered, small tiles, horse wall. Villa on the side of the meters is under the cloud valley cableway station passenger room; its side of the mountain Rock Road, on up to the North Sea, under to the Jiulong Pu, Kuzhuxi. Available through the Hot Springs road. Valuable trees, only three: East Douglas fir, 500 years old; South Hemlock, 800 years old. This leaves two trees are perennial trees, tree majestic, imposing. There are two trees with a strange phenomenon, that there are two with a long tree branches and leaves of different, both have broad-leaved coniferous, one of two things, a perfect fit, unique elegance. There is a tall ginkgo, 1,000 years old, 26 meters high, around 3.1 m, impressive. This three trees are located in the left temple ruins Yun Gusi, East Douglas fir, Nanjing University of Nanking in 1923, was first discovered plant mining group, attracted attention and research botanist, Douglas fir and eastern hemlock are the South China Tertiary relict endemic plants, with species being listed as key protection.
Cloud Valley rocks as "lion ball", "Qin Shitai," "stone ages", etc., in great rock with multiple stone, such as "getting better", "wonderful from the beginning," "drunk Yin "" through quiet, "and so, according to geologists study, they are left over Quaternary glacial rock.

"Jiulong Pu" and "Baizhang Spring", together with the hot spring area, "the word waterfall", is known as Huangshan three waterfalls. "Jiulong Pu" in the cloud down at the West Valley, Pushui from the day are, Yuping, alchemy Peaks, the Department for the Cloud Valley Creek (prime minister of the source), then incense, Rohan between the two peaks flowing down the cliff, a long up to 300 meters, the entire waterfall is divided into scenes, an off a waterfall, a waterfall, a pool, named "Nine Dragon", this poem describes the Jiulong Pu: "waterfalls not to chronicle waterfall, cliff hanging Kowloon day stay" . "Baizhang spring" in the cloud down at the West Valley, in the side of the road to the spa area you can watch, when the rainy season, huge cliffs, Pushui torrent, Zhixie meters long hanging like a Sclerotium, suspected Galaxy floor, imposing extraordinary. Guan Baoting Watch this waterfall is the best place.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

The Plants and Animals of The Beautiful Huangshan

Animal Huangshan - Huangshan has a large number of wildlife resources, wildlife habitat and an ideal breeding place. According to the survey, the mountains are more than 550 species of wild animal resources, including fish, 24 species of birds, 170 kinds of amphibians, 20 species of reptiles, 38 species, 48 ​​kinds of birds. Huangshan Scenic Area has a clear regional wildlife distribution and vertical distribution of properties; in these wild animals, a large proportion of bird watching.

Which belong to the state of a class protected animals are: the clouded leopard, leopard, black deer, sika deer, Elliot's Pheasant, white stork.


Which belong to the state second-class protected animals are: mammals: macaques Huangshan, Huangshan monkeys, pangolins, jackals, bears, large Indian civet, small Indian civet, deer, serow.

Birds: ducks, silver pheasant, spoon chicken, kite, red-bellied eagle, sparrowhawk, common mad, mad hair pin, carved birds, kestrel.

Amphibians: giant salamander.

Rare class: Brown Laughing Thrush, Red-billed birds Acacia, Nighthawk, Sambo birds, White-breasted Emerald, swallows, thrushes, yellow warblers waist, dark green village-eye.

Wild animals are valuable tourism resources of Huangshan. Over the years, persist scenic "protection first" approach, the development of wildlife protection regulations, is strictly prohibited in the area within the hunting, capture, harm wildlife. As the protection measures are effective, Huangshan good wildlife conservation, the number of populations have increased.

Huangshan Plants - Huangshan's climate because of altitude differences with vertical changes in the flowers bloom all year round on Huangshan. According to the "Huangshan Plants" records, Huangshan Scenic Area has 1446 kinds of native plants, belonging to 155 subjects, 193 kinds of cultivated plants, belonging to 51 families. In the native plants in 114 plant Maotai are 187 kinds of moss, 57 are 127 kinds of ferns, 14 gymnosperms, 18 species, 605 are 1114 kinds of angiosperm. Native plants, a total of 1639 kinds of cultivated plants.

Second-class protected plants: gingko, fragrant fruit trees, East Douglas fir, larch, Eucommia, Liriodendron chinense, Cercidiphyllum, Huangshan Mei


National levels to protect the plants: South Hemlock, Euptelea, Magnolia officinalis, Magnolia, Huangshan Sorbus, Eye Litsea, days of female flowers, Tianzhu Gui, Eye Magnolia, Metasequoia, Pteroceltis, silver magpie tree, purple stems, etc. .Huangshan is also preserved in the Tertiary or Quaternary previous ancient relict plant: fern Melaleuca tower, purple Kei, in white.

In gymnosperms Ginkgo, Cephalotaxus, Cephalotaxus, Jin Lu Song and so on.Angiosperms in the sweet gum, magnolia, rough-leaf tree and so on.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

My Interesting Wuyuan Travel (III)

We tour in Wuyuan third attraction is the ancestral home of Jiang Zemin location - Riverside

Riverside ancient cloud Wan, this is Teng, Ye, Bao Dai and other family named settlements. Song Shenzong Genpo years (AD 1079), before the family moved to cloud Jiang Bay. Xiao Jiang's original name, opened its ancestors can be traced back towards the prime minister Han Xiao. Northern and Southern Dynasties, after Xiao Xiao Yan Qi Jianguo destroyed in AD 502, when Emperor Wu of the Southern Liang Gaozu. Riverside is the Emperor's eldest son of Xiaojiang Shi Xiao Tong Zhao Ming after the heir Prince. Tang dynasty, Shaw had eight people have served as prime minister, is that Xiao Yu, Xiao Song, Xiao Hua, Xiao Fu, Xiao exhort, Xiao imitation, Xiao Zhen, Xiao meet unexpectedly, called the "eight leaves the prime minister." "New Book of Tang," says: "Since Wang Yu arrest meet unexpectedly, all eight leaves the prime minister, were Germany, the sea, rise and fall with the Don. Family that filled the ancient did not have." Tang Xizong (AD 874--888 years), eight leaves, one of the prime minister Xiao meet unexpectedly because of "Zhu Wen usurped Tang" suffered, their son Xiao Zhen Zhong Ren Jiangnan Jiedushi when, as a refuge disorder, the rate of ethnic seclusion Anhui Shexian Huang pier. "Xiao Jiang full spectrum" contains said: "read Ancestors came from the north across the river, then last name that is easy Xiao Jiang. Who were in Xiao Jiang who, this is also its originator." Xiao Chen Yixing Jiang, Jiang Chen is Xiao Jiang Yishi ancestors. Spread to eight ancestor Jiang enemy, and moved to the cloud Wuyuan Bay, descendants multiply, become huge family, so the change goes Bay Riverside.

Riverside is located in the provinces of Anhui, Zhejiang-Jiangxi border, is a valley surrounded by mountains and rivers, the East Mountain, the South has a rich mountain, north, after Longshan, Riverside water from east to west was Tai Chi "S" shape meandering flow, Jin Ling Xiu Feng, Qinghe River Bi, Yu Lin onions wood, beautiful scenery. Known Jiangwan Long pulse after Longshan Mountain, mountains and ancient trees, shade blocks out the sun. Mountain Northeast artificial soil made of a base of about one hundred meters of the ridge, were the fairy bridge, wave bending wave music, meandering like a snake dragon dragonfly. In front of a village square, stands the beast Diao Lou, four-poster three stone arch that read "Riverside" two golden characters, too any CPC General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Jiang Zemin personally by the title. Tai said the arch is the use of stone-built, very fine attention to.

Square is the seat of the antique side of the stage,

The other side is the magnificent Temple of Riverside Xiaojiang Zong. Xiaojiang Zong Ming Dynasty temple was built in six years, when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and almost be twice destroyed, front of this Xiaojiang Zong Temple is rebuilt in September 2003. Heard Xiao Jiangzong magnificent temple, but when I really faced this magnificent building, I was completely shocked by it. First, their large, grand building. Shrine building covers an area of ​​2,400 square meters, divided the front yard, front, central hall, four into the hall after. Wufeng, nine top ridge, afternoon towards the door, curved eaves Qiaojiao, Daiwa rock walls, barriers and crotch, Chi up to nine stone, garden pond design, gallery jade bar bands, extraordinary style, the king. Second, pay attention to the use of materials, exquisite workmanship. All wood components temples, including the three doors, two halls, one hundred thirty-six pillar and related Fei, fins, sills, beams, eaves, rafters, purlins, ridge, Gallery, walls, windows, frames, columns, box, House, House, etc. all use a very expensive production of orange-red fine wood, coarse thick beam columns, carved auspicious fine Lou numerous rare birds, flowers Ji Xiang grass. Court, the platform, column bases, class, fence etc using stone from the mountains of enclosed ground fine puzzle, luxurious stately, magnificent. Third, the cultural atmosphere, dignified and elegant. Xiao Jiangzong Temple hanging many plaques and couplets, the content always Chant family and ancestors and historical merit to express tribe worship of the past and think about the source of desire, and her elegant wording, tone, imposing, mysterious metaphorical long, impressive to read . Couplets on the door pillar such as: "a dragon Riverside Panyang to future generations, two generations down 英才 horse back." Never thought the classroom couplets: "solitary Zhong Huai native country, the Committee strongly vibration high wind."

Ancestral tribe worship and ancestor worship of the temple, its main function is to Zunzu, reputation ancestors, heritage, encourage learning, rules of procedure and maintenance of family interests. Xiaojiang Zong Tong Temple, also known as John thought, its meaning is to allow sub-Sun Zunzu the source, do not forget. Wing Yan Tong Jiang a main hall hung with portraits of ancestor Zhen Jiang, Jiang Lingtai altar with three tablets of the ancestors. Never thought the middle classroom hanging Hall plaque, plaque Sanjiang mayor left, the right to xiaojiang giant family. On the ancestral Langbi there two elaborate text charts, one is a "long, then Xiao Jiang - Xiaojiang Shi Department of shallow out" the other one is "Xiao Jiang Taizong Riverside branch chart" that lists a number of prominent ancestors, such as the Han Dynasty prime minister Xiao He, Xiao Yan Emperor Wu Southern, South Liang Zhaoming Prince Xiao Tong, Xiao Tang Dynasty scholar prime minister meet unexpectedly, Datang Jiedushi Chen Jiang Xiao Jiang ancestor, Ming Hubushilang Jiang Yilin and so on. Allegedly, the former CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President Jiang Zemin is also an Xiaojiang Shi, Department of Zuju Jiang Bay, to the great-grandfather moved to Jiangsu Jiangdu generation side, and later moved to Yangzhou. May 30, 2001, Jiang Zemin, has visited the Riverside study identified progenitor, and to visit the folks.

Never thought put behind the church where souls of ancestors, usually two-story shrine, here is four.

Riverside is certified by the state 4A level scenic spots, and its architectural layout 1st Street 6th Alley, criss-crossing the narrow quiet, to keep the charm of the Ming and Qing period. Many of the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasty buildings to be preserved, such as that the right are messengers and Hubushilang Jiang Yilin Memorial (Censor House), the Ministry of years wen Jiang Gui high principal London Chong Tong (the first in the Constitution), the Qing Dynasty Classics home Jiangyong lecture hall of the subject by the late Qing Jiang Qian Sanseido educators, private school Deqing ancient Church, merchants Jiang Renqing old house training Heart Church, Tengjia old house, "the government six homes." sites, etc., as well as East and, South Gate, Xi'an, ancient doors four key North Pavilion, Yue Fei bridge, sword spring wells. Because of the time, we only see the Xi'an Pavilion.

Left the Riverside mind was still thinking that the mighty Xiao Jiangzong Temple, September 2003, China's economy is in the initial stage of an economic cycle, the Chinese stock market in bear market adjustment, in that time, the use of so much money to build such a luxurious shrine, think Yu Jiazong ancestral temple in front of the tablet that side of the stone walls, great contrast, not words.

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