Monday, August 15, 2011

The Plants and Animals of The Beautiful Huangshan

Animal Huangshan - Huangshan has a large number of wildlife resources, wildlife habitat and an ideal breeding place. According to the survey, the mountains are more than 550 species of wild animal resources, including fish, 24 species of birds, 170 kinds of amphibians, 20 species of reptiles, 38 species, 48 ​​kinds of birds. Huangshan Scenic Area has a clear regional wildlife distribution and vertical distribution of properties; in these wild animals, a large proportion of bird watching.

Which belong to the state of a class protected animals are: the clouded leopard, leopard, black deer, sika deer, Elliot's Pheasant, white stork.


Which belong to the state second-class protected animals are: mammals: macaques Huangshan, Huangshan monkeys, pangolins, jackals, bears, large Indian civet, small Indian civet, deer, serow.

Birds: ducks, silver pheasant, spoon chicken, kite, red-bellied eagle, sparrowhawk, common mad, mad hair pin, carved birds, kestrel.

Amphibians: giant salamander.

Rare class: Brown Laughing Thrush, Red-billed birds Acacia, Nighthawk, Sambo birds, White-breasted Emerald, swallows, thrushes, yellow warblers waist, dark green village-eye.

Wild animals are valuable tourism resources of Huangshan. Over the years, persist scenic "protection first" approach, the development of wildlife protection regulations, is strictly prohibited in the area within the hunting, capture, harm wildlife. As the protection measures are effective, Huangshan good wildlife conservation, the number of populations have increased.

Huangshan Plants - Huangshan's climate because of altitude differences with vertical changes in the flowers bloom all year round on Huangshan. According to the "Huangshan Plants" records, Huangshan Scenic Area has 1446 kinds of native plants, belonging to 155 subjects, 193 kinds of cultivated plants, belonging to 51 families. In the native plants in 114 plant Maotai are 187 kinds of moss, 57 are 127 kinds of ferns, 14 gymnosperms, 18 species, 605 are 1114 kinds of angiosperm. Native plants, a total of 1639 kinds of cultivated plants.

Second-class protected plants: gingko, fragrant fruit trees, East Douglas fir, larch, Eucommia, Liriodendron chinense, Cercidiphyllum, Huangshan Mei


National levels to protect the plants: South Hemlock, Euptelea, Magnolia officinalis, Magnolia, Huangshan Sorbus, Eye Litsea, days of female flowers, Tianzhu Gui, Eye Magnolia, Metasequoia, Pteroceltis, silver magpie tree, purple stems, etc. .Huangshan is also preserved in the Tertiary or Quaternary previous ancient relict plant: fern Melaleuca tower, purple Kei, in white.

In gymnosperms Ginkgo, Cephalotaxus, Cephalotaxus, Jin Lu Song and so on.Angiosperms in the sweet gum, magnolia, rough-leaf tree and so on.

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