Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Several Beautiful Spots of Huangshan II

Days gentry Pavilion site in Huangshan Luo Hanfeng under hills, away from the pain of Huangshan Sheng Zhuxi Square throughout the site about 2.5 km. Old Mountain Chi set, established Kiosk concept Jiulong Pu, see "Villa Springs roar, strong river water fly, not quiet forest, lake shall be." Cascade is the ideal place. Because the original pavilion has six angles, also known as "hexagonal." Now the site cover a Cascade thing. Strange and beautiful surrounding scenery. That the occasion of the Jiulong Pu high floating, almost flying plaza. It is a poem: "Shochiku boundless cover pavilion, may one day pay homage to the gentry? Flying volley Poetry Club, the beautiful scenery like Penglai."


Immediately Pavilion at the northern foot of the peak cinnabar jungle. Immediately because of the peak, considerable Feng Yao stone walls on the "immediately empty the East China Sea and take a look at peace" ten stone characters, hence the name "immediately Pavilion." Built in the early Republic, 4 meters high, covering about 10 square meters. Citing all the stone structure, shape-ling dragon carved, simple and generous, Creative. Yan Li Ting side, both overlooking the breathtaking on the Heavenly Capital Peak "carp back", but also back to the balcony magic shuiliandong. So, Citing a good scenic spots. Peak due immediately known Qingluan peak, therefore Pavilion, also known as "Qingluan Pavilion." A poem Yong said: "cliff cliff Dengdao high tingqian rode over Longbridge. Back to find that Zhu Feng River, a hexagonal exquisite Miracle.

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