Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Ciguangge around Beautiful Huangshan

Ciguangge, also known as Chi Kwong Temple area in Anhui Province Huangshan Hot Springs, Hot Springs is located in the northern end, away from the spa 1.5 km. Ancient cinnabar Temple, originally Fahai Temple, Jiajing period (1522-1566), Hyun Yang Taoist living this title the amount of "step Yunting." Thirty-four years of Ming Dynasty (1606) Universal Door Monk to this change and sea Temple. Shenzong Chifeng "protect the country Tsukuang Temple", the Queen Mother gave to Buddhist scriptures, Buddha, monks, pewter staff, alms bowl and other objects, very popular. Was the emblem, the state declared two of the first Buddhist temple.



On Painting founder fresh monk Jian Jiang (Hong Ren) and the painter Shi Tao had a history of living here. After the Temple destroyed. Remaining part of the building site, after the founding of the construction of hotels. On with its Sandy Ridge, Ridge has wonderful the pavilion. Sands Ridge is immediately after the kiosk, kiosk visible immediately flew peak Cliff characters: "immediately empty the East China Sea and take a look at peace," Cross.


In 1965, the amount of wu handwritten title "Ciguangge." Surrounded by hills, Maolin tall bamboo with cover, very quiet. Huangshan Hotel for the reception of a very important point. There are thousands of monks kitchen, Hogan spring, Piyun bridge the various attractions. Huangshan is now turned into museums. Huangshan Yuping cableway station was built in the vicinity.




Nestled in between Ciguangge Maolin tall bamboo in the elderly, cinnabar between the two peaks. Ciguangge, was built in the Ming Dynasty, who emblem, the state declared two of the first Buddhist temple, the founder of school of painting gradually Jiang Xin, Shi Tao, are on the temple lived. Now the "Tsukuang Temple" has been turned into museums of Huangshan. Ciguangge the daily also said the Huangshan mountain climbing before the entrance, Yuping cableway built here, take the ropeway up to Huangshan Scenic Area must win at Yuping.






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